What Are Dr.s’ Saying?

Dr. Hooton, MD discusses what he likes about the MGrx and how it integrates into his practice.


Britney McMurren, OD, describes a patient who can now wear her contact lenses again - after one MGrx treatment.


High Volume Dry Eye Clinic?

Learn how you can get an MGrx for FREE!


lee Newton, OD, discusses how he combines the MGrx with IPL treatments.

Dr. Jorge Valdez, MD, PHd, World Renowned Ophthalmologist shares his perspective on the MGrx after his first 18 patients.


What Are Patients Saying?


Long suffering dry eye patient describes his MGrx treatment.


Doug Devries, OD

Nationally recognized dry eye expert Doug Devries,OD, treats a patient live with the MGrx System and answers audience questions.

Learn why hundreds of clinics are using the MGrx in conjunction with IPL, or their single MGD solution!


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